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Roger Partridge
Pfeuferstr. 36 • 81373 München (Munich)

Short Stories by Roger Partridge

Here are some of the short stories I have written:

  • 1984 – in Pilsen
    Over the years – both before and after the Velvet Revolution – I have often visited Czechoslovakia / the Czech Republic but only ever stopped once in Pilsen; so this is an attempt to make amends to the capital of West Bohemia; published 2005 in the British Czech and Slovak Review.
  • Two Thousand Miles from Home
    Written after working as an "industrial expert" in southern Iraq, 2003; published 2007 in the British Czech and Slovak Review.
  • Barbarella Translated
    I work occasionally as a translator, but among my colleagues have never ever come across anybody like Barbara!
  • Chance is a Fine Thing
    – or Playing Machiavelli is not for Beginners
  • Grandfathering
    Written after a visit to an adventure playground with my eldest grandson.
  • Love Story
    or Why Don't Romantic Relationships Come with a 2 Year Guarantee?









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